Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Price for CottonNet Supreme T's skyrockets!

I walked inside the local corner store this afternoon and was startled to stumble upon the clerk washing his feet in the rest room sink, then even more stunned to see the cost of a solid color CottonNet Supreme T-shirt had soared from a mere $4.99 to $5.99!

For those that are unaware, CottonNet Supremes are quite literally the greatest solid color shirts ever invented and available on the cheap at almost any convenient store in your neighborhood.

They are popular for any number of reasons, a few being length (sizes 1x-5x), price, convenience (since they are so widely available) and most of all comfort. A CottonNet Supreme can make a man feel like a million dollars when he opens up that package and throws on a fresh white shirt (or any color).

I've always been ofthe belief that you could take any man off the street, give him a clean pair of sneakers and fresh white tee from CottonNet Supreme, unleash him in a room full of chumps in overpriced expensive name brand clothes and he would still be the sharpest dressed man in the building. There is just nothing that can beat it.

Which is I guess why this modest raise in price bothers me so much. At a time when it seems so many of us are struggling to stretch our dollars to the max, brands like CottonNet Supreme have been there for us. By us I mean males in their teens to mid thirties of modest means living the ""urban"" lifestyle. Growing up alot of us were stuck with hand me downs or clearance store goodies, these shirts because of their affordable price offer a huge boost to ones self esteem and are worn with great pride. Almost like a street uniform.

I guess what I am trying to get at is, these shirts are the most easiest and most affordable instant confidence booster alot of us have. Their popularity is in part based upon the price. Although only a dollar more, it seems a bit steep and maybe even dulls the brands appeal a little. Especially when it seems stores are doing little more then capitalizing on the success of the brand. Something that I promise won't last if prices jump any further.

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