Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Me and Chris visit Artpools Abnormal Formal.

After a couple of months sitting around on my ass mooching off of unemployment I was delighted (to say the least!) to find out my old job was hiring back temporarily (which means forever cause they are to cheap to hire permanently) and I would not only be able to make a bunch of money very quickly in a short amount of time but also that I would be doing alot of hours working overtime on nights and weekends.

Feeling my free time was about to be pinched I had a jonesing to get out of the house for what could possibly be my last weekend of freedom for quite some time.

Normally this would mean drowning in liquor and oogling females before catching a cab ride home. But not this time, my cousin called asking if I'd be willing to watch her son Chris for the weekend. Ofcourse, I obliged and before I knew it I was celebrating an early October Halloween with the lil cuzzin.

Chris is a big horror fan for his age. Him and his brothers know the Freddy and Jason films like the back of their hands. So he comes over, we watch the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and its sequal The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 then decided to head out for a night on the town.

Our first stop was the soon to be demolished St. Petersburg Pier. This was a big deal for Chris since it was his first visit in years and a big deal for me to be able to share with him a place that was pivotal during my own childhood.

We followed that up with a trip to a Central Avenue pizza joint (I'm a regular there but the name escapes me), before heading up the road to the Artpool Galleries Abnormal Formal Art Party.

Readers of my blog know I was sold on Artpool some months ago when I attended with a friend to the I Love St. Pete show. This go around the gallery was packed with a halloween themed crowd and featured performers, musicians as well as a fashion show!

The price was a little steep this go around with an entrance fee of a whopping $20! But it worked itself out since Chris was free. My only complaint is that the DJ was locked up inside of the building instead of outside where most of the mingling was taking place amongst guest. This guy was pumping out some jams! Run-Dmc, Nas, the list goes on and on, I was actually pretty impressed.

When I wasn't snapping photos of Chris with costumed charectors I relinquished control of the camera to him and let him snap his little heart out. The kid had never been to anything like this before (hell, me either! I wish I had an older cousin as cool as me growing up) so virtually everything seemed to capture his attention.

All in all it was a great bonding experience and I was more then happy to have the opportunity to help stimulate the mind of a young horror fan.

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