Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Movies I Been Watching!

Normally I'd give a individual review for the films I watch but those things barely get any hits so fuck'em.

Instead I am just going to give some mini reviews and a few thoughts...

Worm Eaters - I fell asleep a few minutes after I popped this sucker in the VHS player but then I woke up. Before I was fully conscious my head turned towards the TV and was startled by the site of half man / half worm people slithering across the screen. That alone was convencing enough for me to give this flick a second chance the next day. Very poorly made with a pitiful script the movie had just enough charm to keep me entertained and the eye candy wasn't bad either (ok one actress in particular). The lead actor (who also directed) is hilarious and the gross out scenes especially the ones with worms mixed with food will churn even the most iron belly fan of gross out flicks stomach.

Halloween 3: Season Of The Witch - Ok, not that rare of a movie. But a classic none the less, atleast in my opinion. Besides the score and producing duties handled by John Carpenter I really have no idea why this is associated with the Halloween franchise at all. This may get me hung from the cross but I think this is the best film in the franchise. The story is a little incomprehensible but I like the way they attempted to keep the movie entertaining rather then scary.

Hellmaster - This is just a deplorable film from start to finish. Features appearances from John Saxon and David Emge (Flyboy from Dawn Of The Dead dummies!) but they are pretty much useless. The movie has atleast 20 different endings and the charectors are all intertwinable. I think one was a cripple, another was a psychic that could read the minds of computers or something, who the hell knows. The movie isn't without a few bright spots, ok it has no bright spots but I did sort of like the part where the reporter is going into the basement and finds the freaks, the cross painted on the door was a nice touch. The bus these freaks ride around in is also pretty cool, although I am not sure who is driving the damn thing. The freaks themselves are a mixture of zombies, demons and hell they might as well just be a bunch of dead Leatherfaces possessed by the devil. Not very good and nearly unwatchable.

Tape Heads - Back when Tim Robbins and John Cusack were kind of cool they starred in this movie about a couple of slackers that dream of making music videos. The flick is highly entertaining, so much so that I am wondering why I never heard about it until I found it at a damn yard sale! This is a classic as far as I am concerned.

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