Friday, September 3, 2010

My Thoughts On Montana Fishburne

My emotions are slightly mixed when it comes to an individuals participation within the adult entertainment industry.

On the one hand I have no problem with a woman taking advantage of her sexuality. If you have a skill and the market place decides that that particular skill is worthy of propheting off of it then by all means go for it. I fail to see what is so morally wrong about earning a decent living doing something you are good at whether that be nude dancing, prostitution or acting in a pornography film. Especially if you are safe and professionable about your craft. As far as the mental strain such a career has on its participants, are you telling me that a woman would be happier making minimum wage being a cashier, nursing assistant or going to college to work in a cubicle somewhere?

With that said, such a lifestyle isn't for everybody. One has to have a certain mindset to survive in the industry. The ones with staying power work their butts off (literally) to stay ontop (literally) because they approach it as their job. Look at how many girls enter the industry and how many have become household names, exactly. So for the handful of girls that have garnered cult like followings and achieved mild celebrity status there are thousends who have to live the rest of their lives outside of the industry and now have embaressing videos of them floating around the world. What if one day you wake up and decide that you want to live a normal life? This decision will haunt you for forever. That is if you have managed to remain strong minded and not fell victim to the dangerous temptations the industry has to offer.

So anyways, this brings me to the infamous Montana Fishburne, daughter of acclaimed actor Laurence Fishburne. Eighteen year old Montana is so eager for her big break in Hollywood that she has decided the best route to take to the top is by sex tape. Like her idol Kim Kardashian (that is scary!).

What is so troublesome about this whole thing, well ok, there are alot of troublesome things about this situation. But to start with, Montana has a point. Regardless of how you feel about her she has already gotten our national attention and made a top selling sex tape. Rather then take the hard road of actually having acting skills and working hard for notoriety, she has just fast forwarded to instant celebrity.

What's next? In a society eager for willing participants to mock and ridicule Montana is surely bound to be offered some sort of lucrative opportunities. More sex tapes, a reality show?

The problem I have with this whole thing is her willingness to throw her father under the bus. This is a girl who grew up traveling the world and attending the finest schools society has to offer, yet none of that means anything to her. All she wants is to be the target of tabloid fodder. There is almost no sense of thankfulness or respect for the man who worked so hard at his craft that he is recognized as one of the best in his profession.

If nothing else I would say Montana Fishburne is nothing more then a glimpse into our national future. In a world already aiming for mediocracy, this next generation that was raised by their TV sets watching reality shows and the lowest forms moronic entertainment will have their goals set even lower.

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